Friday, June 27, 2008


Preston is always such a happy baby. Here he is smiling big before his surgury.I am so glad he is finally getting tubes, he has had ear infection after ear infection he would get over one and the next week have another. He is such a happy, content baby that it took me a while to figure out he the signs he was having them. He would cry or fuss he would just cough and have a runny nose. I'm gald he won't have to be in pain any more,even though he didn't really act like he was in pain before.Getting ready for surgery. the nurses were so cute with him. They gave him a cute Doctor bear, Pres loves stuffed animals. He did great until they took him from me he hated that, I wish I could have gone in their and been with him for all of it.Here he is playing with his stuffed animal. While we were in the waiting room I relized I had left his bottle on the conter. Aaron ran home after we got checked in thinking he would be back before he got out of surgury, but tubes are a quick proceture.

He cried for what seemed think forever, I tried everthing rocking, singing, standing up, bouncing, the nurses all tried to help but as soon as Daddy got there everything was fine. Yeah for Daddy's.Bruce loves helping out and singing to Preston. I'm so glad their Brothers.

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