Saturday, September 11, 2010


Bruce just started soccer, he LOVE's it. His first game ever he scored 3 goals, when we got in the car he said "Mom I'm so proud of me, I can't believe I won 3 times." I love that he calls scoring winning. He was such a good sport too he cheered for his team and talked about how great they are too. I can't believe how big he gets each day. I Love being a soccer mom, our team is so cute I love teaching them, they make me laugh at each practice. It is a bit of challenge though with my silly knee, lack of knowledge on the subject, and my sweet Preston who thinks he is on the team too. Our team name is the Green Dragons, I felt so bad for the other team we played, they didn't score one goal. At this age it's about having fun not winning, I wish they would have been able to score a couple points. I can't wait to watch them play the next game:)

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