Tuesday, December 23, 2008


We LOVE the Office it is our Fav Tv show we own all the seasons and love to rewatch them. Kim and Jeremy were behind on season 4 so they haven't watched any of this years season. We've been tivioing and saving all of them so we could have a big Office Marathon and get them all got up. We figured we'd have a big sleepover the kids got make some cookies and play and we would stay up all night watching the office (ok not all night Jeremy is NOT a night owl so we'd watch till he was done). Here are some pic's of our fun sleepover.

We made Ginger bread cookies for the neighbors. Sophie rolling out the dough was my favorite.

Bruce LOVES the Christmas tree. He has been wanting to sleep under the tree ever since we put it up. We figured tonight would be a great time to make that happen. I read them The night before Christmas, and The Nativity Story. Then we tucked them in to bed and they fell asleep surprisingly well. Then we watched the Office until around 2:30 I just love Dwight he is my fav

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